Author: admin
OCF Convention 2024: An Introduction to Apologetics
What is Apologetics? Apologetics is not… Biblical Foundations Jesus’ Apologetic Approach Paul Apologetics is not primary, but it is important An Overview of Apologetics What is Christianity? Why think God exists? The Value of Arguments The Burden of Proof What if there is no God? See Define “God” Some Arguments for God’s existence See…
Memory and the Interpretative Options of Jesus’ Resurrection
A summary of the forthcoming journal article “Resurrection Misremembered? The Interpretative Options Parts 1&2” with JETS 2025. Overview What is a Memory Approach? Issues to Consider Options for Jesus’ Resurrection See Andrew Loke, Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A New Transdisciplinary Approach, 2020. Historical Sources A Defeater: Fictional Genre? See Andrew Judd, Modern Genre…
A Memory Approach to Jesus’ Resurrection
by David Graieg What is a Memory Approach? Different Uses of a Memory Approach Why this Subject Matters? A Definition of Memory Is Memory Reliable? The Elements of a Memory Approach Transience The Implications of Transience Forgetting Curves Passivism and constructivism Examples of the active nature of memory The Implications of Passivism and Constructivism Theories…
Jesus, the Historical Evidence
By David Graieg Jesus: A Range of Views Why this Matters? Jesus’ ranking among the most influential persons of all time varies from #3 (Rhys McKay, WHO, December 5, 2019, behind 2 Einstein and 1 Martin Luther King Jr; Michael H. Hart, The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, 1978;…
An Overview of the Book Resurrection Remembered
The Aim of the Book Why this Subject Matters? What is a Memory Approach? What about Social Memory? Is Memory Reliable? The Elements of a Memory Approach Passivism and constructivism Examples of the active nature of memory The Implications Passivism and Constructivism Theories of Remembering An Epistemic Theory of Remembering The Implications of an Epistemic…
An Overview of the Christian Perspective on the Problem of Evil
This paper provides an overview of the Christian response to the problem of evil. It argues that Christians think that objective evil exists. The free will defense provides one possible sound response to the logical problem of evil. Similarly, the probabilistic problem of evil fails for several reasons, including that evil is an example of…
Worldview Australia Talk: Jesus’ Resurrection
Why it Matters? How Can We Know? Scripture Is this circular reasoning? See also: Mark 15:15–16:8; Matt 27:26–28:20; Luke 23:32–24:53; John 19:1–20:31; 1 Cor 6:14; 15; 2 Cor 4:14; Gal 1:1; Rom 1:4; 4:24–25; 6:4–5, 9; 7:4; 8:11; 10:9; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thess 1:10; Phil 3:10–11; 2 Tim 2:8; Acts 1:22; 2:24, 30–32;…
Apologetics for scientists: The existence of God, the problem of evil, miracles, and evolution
What is apologetics? Apologetics is not primary An overview of apologetics Reformed Epistemology Evidence that God Exists See: Dougherty, Trent, and Jerry Walls, eds. Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project. 2018. Define “God” The Value of Arguments The Burden of Proof WLC’s Cosmological Argument A Note on Argumentation WLC’s Teleological Argument…
Origins: Where we came from and how do we know?
The handout for a talk given at Worldview Australia on “Origins: Where we came from and how do we know?”
The Invisible Gardener
Related to the issue of divine hiddenness, why isn’t God more obvious, Antony Flew uses the parable of an invisible gardener to show what he perceived as the difficulty of falsifying religious and theological claims. Let us consider his version of the parable and a response by a Christian, John Frame. Flew’s parable is as…