Are There Many Ways to God?

We live in a society that embraces diversity—different ethnicities, music, media, fashion, food, and the freedom of various lifestyle choices. In such a cultural environment, it is considered arrogant to say there is only one way to God. If pluralism is the view that there are many ways to God, what do we make of this claim?

Exclusive Inclusion

Firstly, the claim that there are many ways to God assumes that some religions are wrong. Why? Because not all religions are trying to get to God. Most forms of Buddhism, for example, are atheistic, and as such, the goal has nothing to do with God. Similarly, most forms of Hinduism are pantheistic—you are part of the Divine, and the goal is not to reach God but to realize you are already God.

Perhaps the question could be rephrased as: “are there many ways to reach the ultimate goal?” But even this is too ambiguous for the various worldviews all have different goals. For instance, if atheism were true, then it would be the case that, regardless of whether you followed Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism (or atheism, for that matter), everyone ends up dead with no further afterlife (kind of the ultimate goal in their view). Alternatively, a Christian could say the ultimate goal is to meet your maker, and yes, everyone will stand before God one day—to be given what they desire, either to be with Him forever or not.

However, that’s not really what’s meant by the question: “Are there many ways to reach the ultimate goal?” What we really want to know is, if you follow Buddhism, can you reach Nirvana; whether followers of Hinduism also reach Brahma (a ceasing of individual existence and a state of unity with all things); whether Muslims will also reach their paradise; and whether Christians will be in communion with God forever? But the problem with this theory is that it assumes that there is some overarching religious reality above other worldviews. The God of this overarching religion is the real Authority who gives everyone whatever they seek. However, there is no evidence for the God of this overarching religion; and if pluralists are saying it is bigoted to tell others they are wrong—well, they have just done that to the extreme and created their own new religion in the process. Alternatively, this claim fails because the religions seek contradictory things and make contradictory claims relating to their core beliefs, so they cannot all be right (some must be sincerely wrong).

Verifiable Claims

So, where does that leave us? Effectively, we need to evaluate each of the worldviews, see what they believe and why, and then ask which (if any) is more probably correct. Let me give you one reason to consider starting with Christianity. Many other religions are not really verifiable until after you die (in which case it could be too late). Whereas Christianity is based on the historical claim that the person Jesus of Nazareth really lived, died and rose again (in the first century in Israel). If there is evidence that this is more probable than not, then your search is over (if not, you can move on to the next worldview).

Problems with Pluralism

Putting those issues aside, what are some of the common arguments for pluralism? Some pluralists argue that if you were born in Pakistan, you would have likely been a Muslim; hence, one’s belief in religion is merely by chance. But if the pluralist had been born in Pakistan, he or she would likely have been a particularist (believing there’s only one way). This argument shows that pluralism is self-defeating (it fails to meet its own criteria and hence undermines itself). Therefore, the question should be, which position is true regardless of what you were brought up believing?

Some say that all religions are analogous to blind people touching an elephant. One person is holding the elephant’s tail and stating that it is a snake. Another is holding the trunk and saying it is a hose. Yet if the blind people could see, they would realize it was an elephant. By analogy, Christianity has a part of the picture and says that God is love, Hinduism says God is infinite, Islam says God is transcendent, etc. But in reality, the pluralist says each religion only has a limited perspective on the bigger reality. However, this analogy fails because it assumes a privileged position that it alone can see the truth – that it is indeed an elephant. This fact is precisely what the illustration denies. Interestingly, it is implied that what is needed is some form of outside revelation to tell the blind people what it really is. That is basically what Christianity (and other religions like Judaism or Mormonism) claim to be – God telling us the bigger picture (not because they are smart, but because God graciously gives us eyes to see). So once again, the real question is: “Is there any good evidence for a particular worldview?”


I humbly suggest that there are good reasons to think that the Christian position is true, and I am not angry that God has only provided one way to Him in the person of Jesus. Instead, I am grateful that, although I did not deserve it, God lovingly provided the way for me (and, indeed, for everyone who believes—c.f. John 14:6).[1]

By David Graieg 6 May 2022

This article is an updated version of an article first published with The Gospel Coalition Australia on 14th November 2017.


McLaughlin, Rebecca. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019.

Netland, Harold. Encountering Religious Pluralism: The Challenge to Christian Faith & Mission. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2001.

Further Reading

Netland, Harold A. Christianity and Religious Diversity: Clarifying Christian Commitments in a Globalizing Age. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2015. Okholm, Dennis L., and Timothy R. Phillips, eds. Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World. Counterpoints: Bible and Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010.

[1] There are many of good books on the veracity of Christianity, one I would recommend is McLaughlin, Confronting Christianity. For further reading on pluralism, see Netland, Encountering Religious Pluralism.